sobota, 16 listopada 2013

About me.

Hi, my name is Karolina ♥ that's all you need to know, so guys. I created this blog after i found out that one of my best friends Milan self harms, babe i know you are reading this right now, and i want you to know, I love you, i'll always be there for you ♥ You are beautiful, stay strong hun, remember 8pack, V line ♥

You might think 'she knows nothing about self harming' I do, too much to be honest. My dad is an alcoholic, my mum was in prison for 5 years, I was only 6 years old... My self harming started when i was 11 i thought it was cool. I regret doing it, i was so stupid. It all began again when I started year 9, arguing with my mum, boys, school, last summer i did pretty stupid things, drugs for example... Me and my mum had a massive argument, she said i'm not her daughter anymore, her daughter would never act the way i act right now, her baby girl would never say things i say now. She said she doesn't want to know me, she doesn't want to have anything to do with me... Basically she was trying to say that for her i'm dead. So i thought if my own mother said i'm dead for her, why would anyone give f_ck if i actually died. The same night i tried to overdose, and cut the vain, i really wanted to be dead. I wanted everyone to be happy and if me not being here anymore would make them happy i was ready to do it. I forgot to lock the door, my little brother walked i to the bathroom i will never ever forget the way he looked at me, everything was all over blood, my clothes, the floor, everything... It looked like murder scene. i really don't like talking about it, it's very hard for me so i;m gonna talking about my suicide here... I haven't self harmed for a month maybe less, than my mum said i'm fat and i need to get skinnier, people started to chat shit about me, calling me slag, slut ugly, attention seak etc... all those worlds appeared on my belly. I met a boy he's helped me through it all I love him loads (as a friend, i know what you are thinking Milan. stfu xD)  he's always there for me, i trust him and think the world of him...